A Regular Meeting Of The Board
Of Directors
February 16, 2000 8 p.m.
270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order
2. Roll
3. Manager's Report
4. Community Expression
5. Request to Amend Ordinance 30, Governing Gridded Mesa Road Network, Incorporating Marin County Code Language Re Unlawful Obstructions
6. Roads: Andrew Blake / Kent Khitikian letter re Kale and Poplar Roads
7. Vegetation Management Plan advisory committee: report on first meeting; request for change in committee membership
8. Mesa Septic: Draft Ordinance establishing Bolinas Mesa Onsite Waste Disposal and Flood Control Zone
9. Bolinas Lagoon Restoration Project: status report
10. Bicycle / Pedestrian Paths Initiative
11. Claim for Damages: Ben Pfeiffer
12. Other Business
a. Committee Reports
- Finance: 2nd Quarter Financial Report; 2000-2001 Budget Adoption Schedule
- Solid Waste: 2002 solid waste services status report; Resource Recovery
Project: financial report; request for exemption from Vegetation Management
- Legal: Martinelli vs. Johnson - claims for continuing trespass and nuisance:
Martinelli; West Marin Sanitary Landfill
- Operations: Internet Service Provider / Web Service upgrade proposal
b. Minutes of January 19, 2000 Meeting
c. Warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
13. Adjournment