Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
February 16, 2000 270 Elm Road, Bolinas

1. Call to Order

8:00 p.m.

2. Roll

Directors Amoroso, Bertsch, Siedman present, Director McClellan arrived at 8:03 p.m., Director Kayfetz absent Director Amoroso presiding

3. Manager's Report

Directors received a letter from National Seashore Superintendent Don Neubacher informing them that the period for public comment on the update of the Seashore's General Management Plan would close on March 14, 2000.

Materials pertaining to Marin Earth Day 2000 and the Marin Elected Women's Lunch were received by the Board.

Manager Buchanan summarized a series of tests that have resulted in approval from Dale Bowyer from the Regional Water Quality Control Board to discharge treated groundwater at the gas station into the sewer.

The Community Development Agency responded to a letter from staff requesting more notification of impending permit applications, indicating that the permit process must be completed within 30 days, which doesn't always coincide with the District's meeting schedule. However CDA is in the process of identifying the meeting dates of relevant groups to better coordinate the process.

A copy of a proposal from Mary Tiscornia to Don Neubacher regarding future plans for Rancho Baulines was noted by directors.

The suspended property belonging to Bill Hammer, including the suspended water meter, has been purchased in an estate sale. Staff proposed that the $2,000 penalty for the meter's reinstatement be waived. The District has not lost any revenue as the County has been apportioning to BCPUD the full amount owed in property taxes, fees and charges, keeping the interest and penalties that accrue on delinquent payments.

--Siedman/Bertsch 4 ayes, Kayfetz absent to waive the $2,000 penalty in this particular case.

Recent rains have brought the water supply up to 80% of the average for this time of year. A tree has fallen on the transmission main in Arroyo Hondo canyon. There were no objections to hiring a tree company to remove it on an emergency basis.

Ken McWilliam, the herdsman whose goats have been clearing land on the Buell property, has offered to allow the district use of twenty of his goats to clear brush on the sewer lands in return for a place to keep his trailer and camper. The offer is good for at least two months and he will provide some electric fence and tend them. Dale Polissar objected that deciding to do this undermined the role of the Vegetation Management Advisory Committee. Director Amoroso declared that if the Vegetation Management Committee were eighty percent opposed to a decision to accept McWilliam's proposal Amoroso would call a Special Meeting to reconsider.

Drawings printed with the recently purchased large format printer were shown to the Board and staff discussed progress to date on the system mapping project.

The office will be open on President's Day.

4. Community Expression


5. Request to Amend Ordinance 30, Governing Gridded Mesa Road Network, Incorporating Marin County Code Language Re Unlawful Obstructions

A letter from Matt Lewis stated that he was revising his former requests to amend Ordinance 30, and asked that BCPUD directors write to Marin County Department of Public Works stating the views of the Board on visual obstruction at roadway intersections. The Board had no objections to staff writing a letter in support of enforcement of County code Section 13.18. on paved roads. 6. Roads: Andrew Blake / Kent Khitikian letter re Kale and Poplar Roads

Kent Khtikian requested that the West Poplar Road Group be exempted from the necessity of applying for a permit from BCPUD when undertaking usual road maintenance work, claiming that coordinating time, finances and personalities hindered the timely completion of such undertakings. In response to Director McClellan's view that it was not the intention of the Board to hinder the good work being done to maintain roads and that ordinary customary maintenance should not require a permit, Jerry Tergis objected that he did not agree with the work of the West Poplar and Locust Road Groups on roads adjacent to his property. Claims from Andy Blake that Tergis persisted in diminishing the quality of the road and did not adhere to the stipulations of the Roads Ordinance resulted in the matter being referred to the Roads Committee who will come back to the Board with a recommendation.

7. Vegetation Management Plan advisory committee: report on first meeting; request for change in committee membership

Dale Polissar noted his appreciation of the willingness of District directors and staff to accommodate public opinion on the issued of land management on BCPUD property. He requested a change in the composition of the Vegetation Management Advisory Committee to bring the number of proponents and opponents of tree removal into balance, stating that many people who had been interested in the issue had not applied, under the impression that the committee would be smaller and that their views would be well represented. He proposed that two more advocates of preserving eucalyptus trees be added to the committee and that Kent Julin, who is not a Bolinas resident, be denied voting power. Director Siedman explained that he expected the committee to come up with a number of proposals with arguments in favor of and against each one, not simply a for or against position. Jeff Creque noted that he had already seen areas where no conflict was even necessary. Director Bertsch stated that she was impressed that so many well-qualified people had applied. It would not be feasible to continually alter the numbers to reflect the changes due to an inevitable attrition. Director Amoroso stated that committee recommendations that did not have 80% consensus would go before the community. In response to Polissar's request that the committee be instructed to come to full consensus, he was told that a minority view would be responsible for formulating alternative proposals and that the meetings were open for comment from non-members. Director Siedman suggested creating a waiting list of applicants for committee replacements. It was clarified that the committee works with the Board and not directly with staff.

Staff reported that Mike Aitken had asked that the site of the Resource Recovery Project be exempted from the Vegetation Management Committee's jurisdiction. Director Amoroso indicated that the Board seemed favorably disposed and that the request should be made in writing, including details of any proposed tree removal at the site.

8. Mesa Septic: Draft Ordinance establishing Bolinas Mesa Onsite Waste Disposal and Flood Control Zone

The Mesa Septic Committee will meet before contacting Marin County Environmental Health Services and exploring possibilities on the local level. Director Amoroso suggested involving committee alternate Director Kayfetz and utilizing his expertise with County operations.

9. Bolinas Lagoon Restoration Project: status report


10. Bicycle / Pedestrian Paths Initiative

Nina Bellak reported that a meeting of the Marin County Bicycle Coalition was scheduled for February 17 at the Dance Palace, where West Marin groups will review the draft Marin County 20-year Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan and formulate recommendations to submit during the thirty-day public comment period. The Bolinas contingent will present its proposals to the Board and ask for support in developing grant proposals. Director Amoroso suggested that any proposals be minimized to attract less nuisance. Director Siedman indicated that Mesa Park had a lot of information regarding the possibility of a pathway from the park to the school.

11. Claim for Damages: Ben Pfeiffer

-- Siedman/Bertsch 4 ayes, Kayfetz absent to approve paying the lower of the two bids for repair the Ben Pfeiffer's vehicle damaged in an accident with BCPUD personnel

12. Other Business

a. Committee Reports

- Finance: 2nd Quarter Financial Report; The Board received the 2nd Quarter Financial Report.

2000-2001 Budget Adoption Schedule

2000-2001 Budget Adoption Schedule was accepted with the rescheduling of the Personnel Committee's meeting with staff to the end of March.

- Solid Waste: 2002 solid waste services status report; Continued.

Resource Recovery Project: financial report;

The Board received the Resource Recovery financial report. Director Amoroso requested that a separate line item be included for equipment rental. The request for exemption from the Vegetation Management Plan was addressed in Item 7. - Legal: Martinelli vs. Johnson - claims for continuing trespass and nuisance: Martinelli; West Marin Sanitary Landfill

Staff reported that the claims have been sent to ACWA-JPIA, with a letter indicating that BCPUD will request a defense from the JPIA if the District is served with a complaint or complaints. Continued to next meeting.

- Operations: Internet Service Provider / Web Service upgrade proposal Continued. Director Siedman requested that Parks and Recreation be a regular agenda item under committee reports. He reported that Mesa Park Board was looking at a low cost, instant water quality monitoring test which would help to address ongoing water treatment maintenance costs. The Mesa Park Board would like to approve engaging Dr. Oswald to write up an engineering proposal for water treatment for a cost of $21,000. In response to Director Amoroso's queries as to financing the project, Siedman said that a bond measure on the March ballot, if passed, would provide funds that could cover 50% of the entire project cost. The remaining funds would come from An additional contribution would come from the Bolinas Fire Department in lieu of the cost to upgrade its existing septic system, in exchange for waste disposal at the sewage treatment facility. The balance of the needed funds will be raised by Mesa Park. Siedman Staff will write to Bruce McCarthy at the Department of Environmental Health, reassuring him of the positive well test results and sending him documentation of the infiltration gallery and seeking resumption of its use under conditions meeting public health standards. Amoroso suggested waiting until the funds were in hand before committing to further expenditures.

b. Minutes of January 19, 2000 Meeting

-- Siedman/Bertsch three ayes, Amoroso abstained, Kayfetz absent to approve January minutes as amended.

c. Warrants

-- Bertsch/Siedman four ayes, Kayfetz absent to approve warrants

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

March 15, 2000

13. Adjournment

11:40 p.m.