A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
February 21, 2001     8 p.m.
270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.  Call to Order

2.  Roll

3.  Manager’s Report

4.  Community Expression

5.  Bolinas Beach:  draft ordinance establishing regulations, presented by Supervisor Kinsey

6.  Energy Generation Proposal:  Robert Gold

7.  LAFCO:  election of Special District representative

8.  Request For Formation Of Land Stewardship Committee

9.  Indemnification Agreement for 47 Terrace Avenue (Ekedahl) Remodel Project

10.  Roads:  update on Kale/Poplar/Larch/Ivy survey; Barbara Kayfetz letter re speed bumps;
       Opal/Locust obstruction

11.  Coastal Permit 00-04:  Leon
       project location:  245 Iris

12.  Resolution No. 456, authorizing application for funding from California Energy Commission

13.  Resolution No. 457, rescinding and replacing Resolutions 238, 248, 258, 439 and 440,
     concerning water meter suspension and abandonment procedure

14.  Solid Waste:  Waste Management, Inc. proposal for 2002; draft agreement for consultant
       services (Foothill Resources)

15.  Other Business

    a.  Committee Reports
      -- ACWA JPIA:  Joan Finnegan candidacy for Executive Committee
      -- Ad Hoc National Park Advisory Committee (BCOPP)
      -- Building:  report on meeting with Childrens’ Center staff;  estimate for continuing repairs
      -- Downtown Parking:
      -- Finance:  2nd quarter financial report; update on bookkeeping, financial software
      -- Housing:
      -- Legal:
      -- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:  SepTAC status
      -- Park and Recreation:   Mesa Park funding proposal
b.  Minutes of January 17, 2001 Meeting
c.  Minutes of January 31, 2001 Meeting
c.  Warrants
d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

16.  Adjournment