7:30 p.m. Closed Session (personnel matters - GC§54957)
1. Call to Order
2. Roll / Announcement re: Closed Session
3. Manager’s Report
4. Community Expression
5. Bolinas Beach: draft ordinance establishing regulations
6. Alternative Energy Generation: report on Sacramento workshop;
review of Marin County
CDA permit requirements and fees
7. Roads: Evergreen (between Larch and Alder): drainage
Kale (between Poplar and Larch): status of order to remove spoils
Hawthorne (between Larch and Alder): complaint of obstruction
8. Vegetation Management Plan: Marin County CDA letter re possible permit requirements
9. Solid Waste: Waste Management, Inc. proposal for 2002;
draft agreement for consultant
services (Foothill Resources)
10. Mesa Park: letter requesting BCPUD funding for year
2001 operations; approval of final
payment to Oswald Engineering
Associates, Inc. for Wastewater Reclamation Engineering
11. Resolution 457, ratifying May, 1994 action regarding employer paid PERS contributions
12. Resolution 458, concurring in Joan Finnegan nomination to ACWA JPIA executive committee
13. Resolution 459, rescinding and replacing Resolutions 238,
248, 258, 439 and 440,
concerning water meter suspension
and abandonment procedures
14. LAFCO: review of proposed letter to Marin County Supervisors re funding
15. Other Business
a. Committee Reports
– Finance: proposed calendar for
2001-02 budget process
– Legal:
– Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
SepTAC status
– Solid Waste: Resource Recovery
Project: February financial report; operations report
b. Minutes of February 21, 2001 Meeting
c. Warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
16. Adjournment