1. Call to Order
2. Roll
3. Manager’s Report
4. Community Expression
5. Beach Problems: fires; camping; motor vehicles; access
6. Formation of Downtown Parking Committee
7. Bolinas-Stinson Paths Group: request for support of paved
shoulder on Olema-Bolinas Road;
request for improvements to path along southern
boundary of BCPUD sewer property
8. Expanded Water Use Permit Application: Martino
project location: 6 Crescente
9. Expanded Water Use Permit Application: Bolinas Garage
project location: 6 Wharf
10. Road Maintenance Permit Application: Burke
project location: Oak, south
of Cherry
11. Public Hearing: 2000-01 budget
12. 2000-01 District/Employees Memorandum of Understanding
13. Ordinance 30 (Establishes Rules Governing Unpaved Roads On
Mesa): proposed amendment
creating liability for attorney’s
fees and costs where necessary to enforce ordinance
14. Resolution 445, Requesting Election Services For November 7, 2000 Election
15. Advisory Poll Measure(s) Ballot Wording For November 7, 2000 Election
16. Resolution 446, Establishing Driver Record Review Criteria Per JPIA Recommendation
17. Other Business
a. Committee Reports
-- Park and Recreation: Mesa Park
request to buy water
-- Legal: Martinelli v. Johnson,
et. al. update
-- Sewer: Vegetation Management
Plan Committee report; sludge disposal; Wharf
Road video proposal
-- Solid Waste: Resource Recovery
Project: May financial report; operations report;
request to add
members to committee
b. Minutes of May 17, 2000 Meeting
c. Warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
18. Adjournment