1. Call to Order
2. Roll
3. Manager’s Report
4. Community Expression
5. Resolution 464, approving BCPUD budget for fiscal year 2001-02
6. Resolution 465, stating current rates and charges for water and sewer service
7. Resolution 466, approving actions taken by BCPUD manager
to ensure that all
fees and charges comply with Proposition
8. Downtown Parking Committee: Phase II recommendations
9. November 6, 2001 Advisory Measure(s): ballot wording – bicycle/pedestrian path
10. Request for support of rescission of Marin County Ordinance
re public consumption of
alcohol: Coast Cafe
11. Authorization To Proceed: Wharf Road pump station repair; Alder Road pipeline project
12. Bolinas Lagoon Watershed Council: appointment of BCPUD representative
13. California Coastal Commission: offer to dedicate access easement - Brighton Beach
14. Other Business