A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
August 16, 2000       8 p.m.
270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.  Call to Order

2.  Roll

3.  Manager’s Report

4.  Community Expression

5.  Kale Road Maintenance:  clarification of March 15, 2000 Board order to remove spoils

6.  Solid Waste:  2002 Solid Waste Management Initiative – November 7, 2000 Advisory Measure – wording of the primary argument in favor of the measure – set hearing date

7.  Vegetation Management Plan Committee Report

8.  Request For Community Input:  downtown espresso cart proposal – Elizabeth Cross

9.  Pine Gulch Creek Riparian Area Management Agreement

10.  Mesa Septic:  small communities grant program household income survey

11.  Resolution 450, citing Board Of Directors' Choices For Determining 2000-01 Appropriations

12.  Resolution 451, Stating District's Appropriations Limit for Fiscal 2000-01

13.  Resolution 452, Amending Loan Agreement No. 90-1-56100: repayment dates

14.  Wind Energy Generation Proposal

15.  Other Business

a.  Committee Reports
      -- Downtown Parking
      -- Finance:  4th quarter financial report
      -- Legal:
         -- Park and Recreation:
         -- Solid Waste:  Resource Recovery Project:  July financial report; operations report
b.  Minutes of July 19, 2000 Meeting
c.  Warrants
d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

16. Adjournment