A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
August 20, 2003      8 p.m.      

270 Elm Road, Bolinas


  1.  Call to Order

  2.  Roll

  3.  Manager’s Report

  4.  Community Expression

  5.  Bolinas Community Firehouse & Clinic (BCFC) Project presentation

  6.  Mesa Park:  reclamation project engineering report

  7.  Bolinas Community Plan Provisions and Other Permit Requirements -
       Downtown Signage and Use Permits:  Coast Café; 2 Mile Surf Shop

  8.  Mosquito Abatement

  9.  Mesa Drainage Pilot Project:  progress report and phase one proposal

10.  Roads:  Maintenance Permit applications:  Stein – 100 block of Juniper;
       Traub – 300 block of Juniper; update on visibility obstructions

11.  Request for Variance – Expanded Water Use Permit:  Pepper – 10 Terrace

12.  Resolution No. 491, Citing Board of Directors' Choices for Determining 2003-04  
       Appropriations Limits

13.  Resolution No. 492, Stating District's Appropriations Limit for Fiscal 2003-04

14.  Other Business

a.  Committee Reports
      -- Alternative Energy:
      -- Finance: 
      -- Legal:
      -- Mesa Septic, Roads and Drainage:
      -- Operations:
      -- Park and Recreation:
      -- Personnel:
      -- Sewer:  Resource Recovery Project; Community Paths Group
      -- Solid Waste: 
b.  Minutes of July 16, 2003 Meeting
c.  Warrants
d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

15.  Adjournment