A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
August 22, 2001     8 p.m.
270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.  Call to Order

2.  Roll

3.  Manager’s Report

4.  Community Expression

5.  Alternative Energy Generation Proposal:  Robert Gold

6.  Downtown Parking Committee:  94924 Parking Plan; general recommendations

7.  Sewer Property Eucalyptus Containment Committee Formation

8.  Roads:  policy concerning tree maintenance within unpaved rights-of-way

9.  Resolution 467, citing Board of Directors’ choices for determining 2001-02 appropriations

10.  Resolution 468, stating BCPUD’s appropriations limit for fiscal year 2001-02

11.  Resolution 469, accepting offer to dedicate easement for public access and recreational use
       across the top of the bulkhead at AP#193-142-15 (Brighton Beach)

12.  Resolution 470, revising Resolution 376, personnel policy

13.  Resolution 471, revising Resolution 173, §7, to add language prohibiting water pipes crossing property lines

14.  Other Business

    a.  Committee Reports
          -- Finance:  4th quarter financial report
          -- Legal:
          -- Park and Recreation:  Mesa Park request for windbreak irrigation water
          -- Solid Waste: Resource Recovery Project:  finance / operations; Waste Management
                           2002 contract negotiations update
    b.  Minutes of July 18, 2001 Meeting
    c.  Warrants
    d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

15.  Adjournment