Resolution 152
The Bolinas Community Public Utility District having discretionary power to move water meter, will not transfer any water meters until certain conditions as set forth herein are met.

Whereas, under the present emergency water situation and the Board's adopted policies related thereto, and

Whereas, the Board has discretionary power to move a water meter, and Whereas, this power has never been used before,

Be it therefore resolved, prior to transfer of any water meters the following conditions shall be met:

1. Safety and health reasons for transfer are clearly established.
2. Sewage and water use at new location is clearly stated.
3. It is reasonably established what to do with the old site in terms of sewage, water and drainage.
4. Traffic consequences and mitigating measures are clearly stated.
5. Drainage patterns will not be disrupted.
6. If required, an Environmental Impact Report is considered adequate by the BCPUD; specifically including alternatives to the proposed project and the environmental consequences.
7. The transfer is consistent with the Bolinas Community Plan as adopted by the Bolinas Community Public Utility District (Ordinance #16).
8. Passed and Adopted this 17th day of March, 1976 by the following vote:

AYES: All in favor
NOES: None