Resolution No. 396
Approves the Bolinas Gridded Mesa Traffic Plan and authorizes Bolinas Community Public Utility District to seek an amendment to the circulation element of the Bolinas Community Plan

WHEREAS, in the 21 years since the adoption of the Bolinas Community Plan, there have been significant shifts in population density, and in the way traffic moves on the Mesa; and

WHEREAS, the Bolinas Community Plan recognizes the potential need for revision to the circulation element of the Plan by characterizing the final stage as shown in the published Plan as "one good solution" to Mesa circulation and by recommending "a long-term plan for redoing the grid plan of the Mesa"; and

WHEREAS, in order to ensure maximum public participation in the preparation of the Revised Bolinas Gridded Mesa Traffic Plan, the work on the Plan has been carried out through an 18 month process of open meetings, publicly noticed and conforming to the requirements of the Brown Act; and

WHEREAS, the need to incorporate overriding public health and safety concerns, as well as preserving the neighborhood qualities of the Gridded Mesa, led to the formation of a joint Bolinas Fire Protection District / Bolinas Community Public Utility District Traffic Committee to guide the public process; and

WHEREAS, the final product of the aforementioned process is a plan which achieves a realistic balance among the various interests concerned with vehicular movement on the Gridded Mesa; and

WHEREAS, at a regular and publicly noticed meeting of its Board of Directors, the Bolinas Fire Protection District approved the Bolinas Gridded Mesa Traffic Plan on June 10, 1996; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District to approve the Bolinas Gridded Mesa Traffic Plan, and to direct its staff to submit the approved plan to the Marin County Community Development Agency for review, public hearing, and formal inclusion into the Bolinas Community Plan by the Marin County Board of Supervisors.

IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that this resolution was duly introduced and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District, a full quorum present and acting throughout, this 17th day of July,1996, by the following roll call vote:

AYES: Amoroso, McClellan, McNaughton, Pfeiffer, Siedman

NOES: None