Resolution No.
470 - personnel policy - replaces Resolution No. 376
District as
1. Definitions
As used in this resolution, the
following terms shall have meanings indicated:
"Appellate authority" means the authority to whom a
responsible authority's
decision on serious
disciplinary matters may be appealed.
Unless otherwise
designated by the Board, the
responsible authority's immediate supervisor
shall be the appellate
authority. If the General Manager is
the responsible
authority, then the Board shall
be the appellate authority.
"Board" means the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community
Utility District.
"District" means the Bolinas Community Public Utility
District, and where
appropriate "district" refers to the Board or any duly
authorized management
employee of the district.
"Employee" means any person regularly employed by the district
those persons elected by popular vote.
"Grievance" means any dispute concerning the interpretation or
application of this resolution,
or of the practical consequences of the
district's rights, decisions on
wages, hours, and other terms and
conditions of employment.
"Manager" means the general manager of the district.
"Responsible authority" means the authority responsible for
discipline on an employee. Unless otherwise designated by the Board,
the employee's immediate supervisor shall be the responsible
authority for
that employee.
"Supervisor" means any employee designated by the manager as
responsible for a particular department or function of the
2. General Provisions
Probationary employees. Newly
hired employees are probationary
employees until they become permanent employees. The initial
probationary period is six months from the employee's date of hire.
The probationary period may be extended for a period of up to one full
year by the Board in its discretion.
Probationary employees may be
terminated without cause and are not eligible to utilize the district's
grievance procedure.
Probationary employees accrue sick leave and
vacation time, but may not take sick leave or vacation until they become
permanent employees.
Permanent employees. Employees
who have completed a probationary
period of employment , undergone an evaluation process, and whose
permanent status has been confirmed by Board action are permanent
employees. Permanent employees
(except those specified in Public
Utilities Code #16112) may be terminated only if their positions are
eliminated or for good cause.
Discipline. Minor disciplinary
actions not involving termination, suspension,
demotion, or reduction in compensation may be taken by the employee's
immediate supervisor. Such
disciplinary actions will generally proceed
through the following steps:
(1) Verbal warning spelling out the needed
(2) Written warning spelling out the needed
(3) Reference to the Personnel Committee of the
Board for
recommendation to the employee's
immediate supervisor.
(4) Disciplinary action by the immediate
D. Employee
procedural rights in serious disciplinary matters. In any
disciplinary matter in which it is proposed that a permanent employee be
discharged, demoted, reduced in compensation, or suspended for more
than five days (or the shift equivalent) or in which any employee is
with allegations of misconduct such as to stigmatize the employee's
reputation, seriously impair the employee's opportunity to earn a
living, or
seriously damage the employee's standing or associations in the
such employee shall have the following procedural rights:
(i) Charges. The employee shall be given written notice
of the proposed
action setting forth in detail all of the reasons for the proposed
action and
including copies of all materials on which the notice is
based; e.g., witness
statements, documents and investigative reports. The notice shall state that
the employee may respond within a designated reasonable time to the
responsible authority personally, or in writing, or through a
representative, to
show cause why a lesser discipline or none at all should be imposed.
(ii) Response. Prior to taking any of said measures, the
authority shall consider the response of the employee, if any, along
with the
notice and the materials on which it was based.
(iii) Pay
status. Pending the decision of the
responsible authority, the
employee's regular pay shall continue.
However, an employee who has not
been suspended, but nevertheless refuses to perform his or her normal
shall not be paid for any period during which he or she refuses to work.
(iv) Decision. Within
3 working days after receipt of the employee's
response, or, if no timely response is received, within 3 working days
expiration of the response period, the responsible authority shall
render a
written decision imposing no discipline. The decision shall be given to the
employee personally or mailed to the employee's address of record in the
employee's personnel file.
Employee procedural rights re: minor suspensions. In suspensions of 5
days or less, the responsible authority may render a decision
but must within 5 days after imposition of the suspension, provide the
employee with written notice of all the reasons for the suspension,
copies of
all materials on which the suspension is based, and advising the
employee of
the right to respond within a reasonable designated time to the
authority, personally, in writing, or through a representative, to show
why a lesser discipline or none
at all should have been imposed. Within
working days after receipt of
any timely response the responsible authority
shall render a written decision
confirming, rescinding, or modifying the
suspension. The decision shall be given to the employee
personally or mailed
to his address of record in the
employee's personnel file.
Appeal in disciplinary matters.
Minor disciplinary matters are not appealable.
Any disciplinary matter involving termination, suspension, demotion, or
reduction in compensation shall be appealable provided that the affected
employee or his representative files a written appeal with the appellate
authority within 10 days after the responsible authority's written
decision is
given or mailed to the employee.
A hearing on such appeal shall be called
and held within 20 days from the filing of
the appeal and reasonable advance
written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given to
employee in person or by
mail. The appellate authority
shall consider the
matter de novo and render a written decision imposing the same or a
discipline or imposing no discipline.
Resignations. Employees desiring
to resign are requested to give at least
two weeks' advance written notice.
If such notice is given, the district may, at
its option, terminate the employee at any time, providing that the
employee is
paid two weeks wages from the date of delivery of the notice to the
Layoffs. Any permanent employee
laid off because of elimination of his or
her position or because of lack of work shall be given priority for any
job opening for which such employee is fully qualified.
Job descriptions. Exhibits A-E
to this resolution contain the following job
descriptions: (a)
manager/secretary, (b) administrative assistant, (c) chief operator
(d) shift operator, (e) standby
Attendance. If an employee must
be absent, it is the employee's responsibility
to notify his or her supervisor
as soon as possible.
Injuries while on duty.
Employees must promptly report all injuries, no matter
how minor, to their supervisor.
Sick leave. Sick leave accumulates
at the rate of 1 day per month. Maximum
accrual under this provision is 60 days with the exception of computing
of employee service for Public Employees Retirement System pension
benefits. Sick leave may be
taken only for injury or illness not covered by
Worker's Compensation insurance.
It is the employee's responsibility to
notify his/her supervisor of all absences by calling the district office
as early as
possible on the first day of illness.
After 3 consecutive work days of sick
leave-related absence, the
district reserves the right to ask for medical evidence
whether the employee is well enough to return to work.
Leaves of absence. The district
may grant unpaid leaves of absence to any
employee for up to 6 months for the following reasons: (1) A medical problem;
or (2) an educational opportunity which, in the Board's opinion, will
to the work skills and job performance of the employee and will
contribute to
the overall welfare of the district.
Performance review. Performance
reviews of all permanent employees will
beconducted on an annual
basis. Performance reviews of
employees will be conducted at 3 and 6 months, or more frequently as
deemed necessary by the manager or the Board. Performance reviews must
be in writing and are subject to the grievance procedure. Performance
reviews will be conducted by
the employee's immediate supervisor and will consist of
the supervisor's review and the
employee's own self-evaluation. The
manager's performance will be
reviewed by the personnel committee and/or
the Board.
Personnel records. A copy of all
documents placed in an employee's
personnel file will be given to the employee upon request. It is the employee's
responsibility to ensure that
all information in the file is correct.
In the case of
records which are subjective in
nature; i.e., performance reviews, the
employee has the right to place
documents in the file which support opinions
opposed to management's.
Jury duty. Time off is normally
granted for jury duty and the employee's
length of service is retained.
The district will pay the difference between the
employee's regular salary and jury compensation. Employees are expected
to return to work immediately on the date of release.
Equal employment. The district
will comply with all applicable government
regulations pertaining to equal employment opportunities.
Education. Educational
opportunities which contribute to improvement in
work skills and job performance, and which contribute to the overall
welfare of
the district, will be encouraged by the district and, subject to Board
costs for same will be reimbursed.
Typical examples of reimbursable costs
which the Board may approve are seminar fees, books, travel, and per
Grievances. The following steps
comprise the district's grievance procedure:
Step 1.
Any employee who believes he has a grievance, may bring the matter to
attention of his immediate supervisor within 5 working days after the
giving rise to a grievance. Any
complaint or grievance not reported within 5
working days need not be considered by the district. An informal discussion
between the aggrieved employee and the supervisor shall be held within 5
working days after the grievance has been reported. If no satisfactory solution
is reached, the employee may file a formal written grievance within 5
days after the last discussion with the supervisor on the grievance.
Step 2.
The formal grievance shall contain:
1. Statement of facts concerning
the nature of the grievance citing the
applicable resolution, rules, or regulations.
2. Time and place of occurrence.
3. Name(s) of person(s)
4. Other pertinent information.
5. Signature of the grievant.
Within 5 working days following the filing of a formal grievance, the
shall investigate the grievance, confer with the grievant in an attempt
resolve the grievance, and
render a written decision. If the
Manager is the grievant's
immediate supervisor, this step does not apply.
Step 3.
If the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant by
Manager, the grievant may, within 5 working days after notification of
Manager's decision make written request for consideration of the
by the Personnel Committee of the Board.
Step 4.
Within 10 working days after receipt of such written request, the
Committee shall investigate the grievance, confer with the grievant in
attempt to resolve the
grievance, and render a written decision.
If the
grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant, or if the
is unable to reach a decision,
the grievant may, within 5 working days after
notification of the Personnel
Committee's decision, make written request for
consideration of the grievance by the Board.
Step 5.
Within 15 working days after receipt of such written request the Board
investigate the grievance, confer with the grievant in an attempt to
resolve the
grievance, and render a written decision. The decision of the Board shall be
final and binding upon all parties.
T. Drug Abuse
The District's
policy is to have a work environment free from the effects of drug
(drug or drugs
shall have the meaning given to the term "controlled substance"
in California
Health and Safety Code Division 10) and alcohol use. In
furtherance of
this policy, the District hereby establishes the following
A job applicant shall not have drugs or alcohol in his/her system at
the time of the
pre-employment interview.
An employee shall not use, possess or be under the influence of
drugs or alcohol
while on duty, or during working hours, or on District premises.
An employee shall not sell or provide drugs or alcohol to any other
person while
such employee is on duty or on District property.
An employee shall not have his/her ability to work impaired as a
result of the
use of drugs or alcohol.
Disciplinary action shall always begin with, and have as its highest
effective treatment of the problem employee's condition. Such
primary goal shall be the successful rehabilitation of the employee,
as evidenced by
exemplary job performance.
Notwithstanding the policy of
effective treatment
being the highest priority, District reserves the right to take
further action
if all reasonable efforts at treatment and rehabilitation fail to
compliance with District's substance abuse policy, as stated in Section
T, paragraphs 1
through 4, above. Such action may
include suspension or
termination for
possession, sale or use of drugs or alcohol while on duty or on
property. Appropriate suspension or
termination shall be decided on a
6. Employees reasonably believed to be under the influence of drugs
or alcohol shall
not be permitted to engage in further work.
In addition, such
employees shall
not be permitted to drive themselves from the workplace.
7. Should any conflict arise between the provisions of this section
the grievance
procedures set forth in section S, any and all issues shall be
settled in favor
of the grievance procedures set forth in section S.
3. Repealer.
Resolution Nos. 166, 254, 355, 360, 371,
376 and all other district resolutions relating to
district personnel policy are hereby
PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 22nd day of August, 2001, by the
following vote
of the Board:
Amoroso, Bertsch,
Kayfetz, McClellan, Siedman
NOES: None
Manager /
Manager shall be
responsible for supervising all departments and conducting annual
reviews of all employees; reporting on
all aspects of operations to the
Board of
Directors; conducting meetings with department heads; coordinating yearly
budget committee
meetings and administering annual budget; administering
projects; coordinating activities of district consultants; supervising
with governmental agencies; other work as may be required.
Secretary shall
be responsible for performing and/or delegating the administrative
assistant: organization, coordination and
scheduling of board meetings; preparation of background information and agenda
items for board meetings; writing of
meeting notices and minutes of meetings; preparation of required board reports
and administrative recommendations; other work as may be required.
1. Valid California Driver's License
2. Completion of an ACWA JPIA-approved
defensive driving training program
within the past four years
3. Social Security Number
Administrative Assistant performs clerical tasks and assists the BCPUD manager.
These tasks
include typing of reports, correspondence and other paperwork necessary
to the operation
of the district; filing; maintenance of the accounts receivable and
payable; preparation of deposits for the County of Marin; maintenance of
customer records
and accounts; work necessary in
obtaining special reports and
services from
Marin County, such as annual compilation of sewer and water base
charges for all
customers within the District for inclusion in the Marin County Special
System; annual preparation of utility district assessment list, and other
work as
1. Valid California Driver's License
2. Completion of an ACWA JPIA-approved
defensive driving training program
within the past four years
3. Social Security Number
Job Description
At the direction
of the District Manager, the Chief Operator’s responsibilities shall include:
establishing job priorities; operating, and conducting inspections of, the
treatment plant(s); sampling and testing of water according to required
procedures; maintaining daily logs and reports and preparing reports to the
California Department of Health Services, Marin County Health Department and
BCPUD; establishing and maintaining clear communications with Bolinas Fire
Protection District (BFPD) concerning BFPD personnel's understanding of BCPUD’s
system; maintaining start-up/shut-down procedures for treatment plants; working
with BCPUD consultants on project planning; dealing with vendors; performing
standby duty; and supervising shift
operators in the performance of any and all of the above tasks for which they
are qualified. Such supervision shall
include scheduling of work assignments and provision of technical support.
At the direction
of the District Manager, the Chief Operator's responsibilities shall include: installing, tapping, re-lining,
disinfecting, testing and connecting water mains and appurtenances; shutting
down, repairing, disinfecting and testing broken water mains; overseeing the
flushing, cleaning, and pigging of existing water mains; performing stand-by emergency response
duties for after hours distribution system operational emergencies; draining,
cleaning, disinfecting and maintaining distribution reservoirs; determining and
controlling proper chemical dosage rates for distribution residual maintenance;
investigating water quality problems in the distribution system; operating
pumps and related flow and pressure control and storage facilities; maintaining
and/or adjusting system flow and pressure requirements; controlling flows to
meet consumer demands including fire flow demands and minimum pressure
requirements; establishing and maintaining a backflow prevention program;
reading, repairing and replacing meters; performing standby duty; and
supervising shift operators in the performance of any and all of the above
tasks for which they are qualified.
Such supervision shall include scheduling of work assignments and
provision of technical support.
At the direction
of the District Manager, the Chief Operator's responsibilities shall
include: maintaining vehicles, tools
and buildings in good condition;
maintaining inventory of parts and equipment; delivering notices to
customers; mapping the system; working in field with contractors and other
personnel on BCPUD construction projects; conducting system tours; maintaining
an ongoing leak detection program; maintaining an ongoing preventive
maintenance program; participation in road and drainage maintenance as
required; responding to customer complaints during non-business and non-standby
hours, if necessary; representing BCPUD
on the Bolinas Disaster Council; establishing and maintaining good
relationships with BCPUD customers;
dealing with vendors; performing standby duty and any other assigned
tasks; and supervising shift operators
in the performance of any and all of the above tasks for which they are
qualified. Such supervision shall
include scheduling of work assignments and provision of technical support.
At the direction
of the District Manager, the Chief Operator's responsibilities shall include:
establishing job priorities; operating sewage treatment facilities; sampling
and testing of wastewater according to required procedures; maintaining daily
records and logs; preparing reports to the California Regional Water Quality
Control Board, Marin County Office of Waste Management and BCPUD; working with
BCPUD consultants on project planning; performing standby duty; and supervising
shift operators in the performance of any and all of the above tasks for which
they are qualified. Such supervision
shall include scheduling of work assignments and provision of technical
At the direction
of the District Manager, the Chief Operator's responsibilities shall include:
establishing job priorities; operating collection facilities; work site restoration; working in field with
contractors and other personnel on BCPUD construction projects; mapping the
system; conducting system tours; maintaining an ongoing infiltration detection
program; performing standby duty and
any other assigned tasks; and supervising shift operators in the performance of
any and all of the above tasks for which they are qualified. Such supervision shall include scheduling of
work assignments and provision of technical support.
At the direction
of the District Manager, the Chief Operator's responsibilities shall
include: inspecting, repairing and
replacing lines, valves, pumps, sprinklers, solenoids and controls; coordinating assistance of BFPD when working
underground, and when using high pressure water for sludge control; maintaining
vehicles, tools, buildings and facilities in good condition; maintaining a preventive maintenance
program; maintaining inventory of parts
and equipment; establishing and maintaining good relationships with BCPUD
customers; delivering notices to customers; responding to customer complaints
during non-business and non-standby hours, if necessary; dealing with vendors; performing standby
duty and any other assigned tasks; and
supervising shift operators in the performance of any and all of the
above tasks for which they are qualified.
Such supervision shall include scheduling of work assignments and
provision of technical support.
1. Valid California Driver's License
2. Completion of an ACWA JPIA-approved
defensive driving training program
within the past four years
3. Valid Water and Waste Water Treatment Plant
and Water Distribution System Operator
Certificates of the minimum grade required
by the State of California, or higher, or the ability
to obtain said certificates within 24
months of full-time employment.
4. Social Security Numbe
Job Description
At the direction
of the Chief Operators, the Shift
Operators’ responsibilities shall include: operating, and conducting
inspections of, the treatment plant(s); sampling and testing of water according
to required procedures; maintaining daily logs and reports; performing standby
duty and any other assigned tasks.
At the direction
of the Chief Operators, the Shift
Operators’ responsibilities shall include: installing, tapping, re-lining,
disinfecting, testing and connecting water mains and appurtenances; shutting
down, repairing, disinfecting and testing broken water mains; overseeing the
flushing, cleaning, and pigging of existing water mains; performing stand-by emergency response
duties for after hours distribution system operational emergencies; draining, cleaning,
disinfecting and maintaining distribution reservoirs; determining and
controlling proper chemical dosage rates for distribution residual maintenance;
investigating water quality problems in the distribution system; operating
pumps and related flow and pressure control and storage facilities; maintaining
and/or adjusting system flow and pressure requirements; controlling flows to
meet consumer demands including fire flow demands and minimum pressure
requirements; and performing standby duty and any other assigned tasks.
At the direction
of the Chief Operators, the Shift
Operators’ responsibilities shall include: maintaining vehicles, tools,
buildings and facilities in good condition;
maintaining a preventive maintenance program; maintaining inventory of parts and equipment; establishing and
maintaining good relationships with BCPUD customers; delivering notices to
customers; responding to customer complaints during non-business and
non-standby hours, if necessary;
dealing with vendors; and performing standby duty and any other assigned
At the direction
of the Chief Operators, the Shift
Operators’ responsibilities shall include: operating sewage treatment
facilities; sampling and testing of wastewater according to required
procedures; inspecting, repairing and replacing lines, valves, pumps,
sprinklers, solenoids and controls; maintaining daily records and logs; and
performing standby duty and any other assigned tasks.
At the direction
of the Chief Operators, the Shift
Operators’ responsibilities shall include: operating collection facilities;
inspecting, repairing and replacing lines, valves, pumps, sprinklers, solenoids
and controls; work site restoration; working in field with contractors and
other personnel on BCPUD construction projects; and performing standby duty and
any other assigned tasks.
At the direction
of the Chief Operators, the Shift
Operators’ responsibilities shall include: maintaining vehicles, tools, buildings
and facilities in good condition;
maintaining a preventive maintenance program; maintaining inventory of parts and equipment; establishing and
maintaining good relationships with BCPUD customers; delivering notices to
customers; responding to customer complaints during non-business and
non-standby hours, if necessary;
performing standby duty and any other assigned tasks;
1. Valid California Driver's License
2. Completion of an ACWA JPIA-approved
defensive driving training program
within the past four years
3. Valid Water Treatment Plant and Water
Distribution System Operator Certificates
of the minimum grade required by the
State of California, or higher, or the ability
to obtain said certificates within 24 months
of permanent employment, or as soon
as permitted by the State Department of
Health Services.
4. Social Security Number
Standby Employee
Standby is the
state of readiness and preparation necessary to the successful and
completion of any emergency repair work.
The employee who is on standby
during any
24-hour period must be accessible by phone or paging device to the
answering service personnel at all times during the standby period and able to
respond to an
emergency within 15 minutes. An
employee on standby who is in the
process of
responding to an emergency call also remains on standby and must
continue to
monitor emergencies being reported to the district's answering service.
The employee on
standby must be prepared to make all decisions necessary to the
completion of any emergency repair work and is responsible for preparing
him/herself as
completely as possible for the routines required, including, but not
limited to,
operation of all field equipment, parts and material removal and installation,
work site
restoration, troubleshooting, report preparation and notification of
At the end of
the standby shift, the employee being relieved is responsible for fully
his/her replacement of any changes affecting district maintenance which
have occurred
during the employee's time on standby.
1. Valid California Driver's License
2. Completion of an ACWA JPIA-approved
defensive driving training program
within the past four years
3. Valid Water Treatment Plant and Water
Distribution System Operator Certificates
of the minimum grade required by the
State of California, or higher, or the ability
to obtain said certificates within 24
months of permanent employment, or as soon
as permitted by the State Department of
Health Services.
4. Social Security Number