B O L I N A S   C O M M U N I T Y   P U B L I C

U T I L I T Y   D I S T R I C T

Resolution No. 473

Proposing An Election Be Held In Its Jurisdiction; Requesting The Board Of Supervisors To Consolidate With Any Other Election Conducted On Said Date; And Requesting Election Services By The County Registrar of Voters
 WHEREAS, it is the determination of the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community
Public Utility District that a Consolidated General Election be held on the Fifth day of March, 2002,
at which election the issues to be presented to the voters shall be:

   One or More Advisory or Ballot Measures

               BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Marin is
hereby requested to:

  1)  Consolidate said election with any other applicable election
                    conducted on the same day;
           2)  Authorize and direct the Registrar of Voters, at District’s
                    expense, to provide all necessary election services and to
                    canvass the results of said election.

 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors on
the 28th day of  November, 2001.

AYES:           Bertsch, McClellan, Siedman

NOES:          None

ABSTAIN:   Amoroso

ABSENT:     Kayfetz