Bolinas Community Public Utility District

Resolution 500

Amends Resolution 498 establishing A Connection Charge For New Sewer Hookups;
States Exceptions To The Sewer Moratorium Established By Resolution 259

    WHEREAS, since 1975, Bolinas Community Public Utility District customers with a connection to the sanitary sewer system have paid an annual charge of 137.42 for construction of the treatment facility; and  

    WHEREAS, since 1992, Bolinas Community Public Utility District customers with a connection to the sanitary sewer system have paid an annual charge of 59.28 for rehabilitation of the collection system; and 

    WHEREAS, it is deemed fair and proper that Bolinas Community Public Utility District customers who may make application to be connected to the sanitary sewer system in the future should pay their accumulated pro-rata share of the capital costs of constructing the treatment facility and rehabilitating the collection system; and

    WHEREAS, Exhibit A to this resolution is a schedule of capital costs only, with an annual percentage rate of 5%, and does not include operations or maintenance expenses associated with the system; and

    WHEREAS, establishment of a connection charge according to the schedule in Exhibit A is only one issue which must be addressed before the moratorium on  new sewer connections can be lifted; and

    WHEREAS, completion of a treatment facility capacity study, as recommended by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, in conjunction with correction of existing infiltration and inflow to the sanitary sewer system, and/or innovative and alternative projects which create treatment facility capacity, is necessary before further connections to the system can be permitted, subject to the following exceptions::

        1.  The new connection is made to a property within the boundaries of the sewer system, as those boundaries were established during     the 1975 Clean Water Grant Project,  which property is served by an onsite waste disposal system; or

        2.  The Board of Directors has determined both that the new connection serves the public interest in matters related to the health and safety of the community, and that the increased load will not have adverse impacts on the sewerage treatment facility and will not compromise the District’s ability to properly operate and maintain the system;  and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board has stated it will have no opinion on the Board of Directors’ determination;

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District, to hereby establish a Sewer Connection Charge, as shown on Exhibit A, which charge does not include the cost of labor and materials for installation
of the sewer lateral and cleanouts.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District this 18th day of February,  2004, by the following vote:

AYES:  Amoroso, Bertsch, McClellan, Siedman, Smith
NOES:  None


ABSENT:  None    

                                    Joan Bertsch    
                                 President, Board of Directors


               Philip Buchanan