Resolution No. 542

Approving the Conversion of Filters and Retrofit of Control Panels at the BCPUD’s Woodrat Water Treatment Plant.
    WHEREAS,  the Bolinas Community Public Utility Distict (“BCPUD”)’s water treatment facility is known as the “Woodrat Water Treatment Plant” (“Woodrat WTP”) and is located at 400 Mesa Road, Bolinas.
    WHEREAS, the present Woodrat WTP was constructed in 1995 and was designed to utilize four 6M10 high-pressure filter units designed and manufactured by a company then-known as Memcor for the microfiltration treatment of the district’s drinking water.
    WHEREAS, Memcor subsequently was purchased by U.S. Filter corporation, which in turn was purchased by Siemans Water Technologies (“Siemans”); Memcor is now a subsidiary of Siemans.
    WHEREAS, BCPUD has been advised by Memcor/Siemans that the company has improved its proprietary microfiltration process and that to avail itself of the improved microfiltration process the BCPUD must convert its existing 6M10 filters from a high-pressure to a low-pressure microfiltration system.  Memcor/Siemans no longer manufactures the high-pressure filter units.
    WHEREAS, BCPUD has been further advised by Memcor/Siemans that the current control panels for each of the existing 6M10 units are not compatible with the new low-pressure microfiltration process and the BCPUD’s control panels therefore should be retrofit and new microprocessors installed coincident with the conversion of the filter units.  Memcor/Siemans no longer manufacturers nor services the existing control panels or microprocessors.
    WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the BCPUD finds that a conversion of the existing 6M10 filters and a retrofit of the existing control panels is anticipated to result in lower energy

consumption, reduced maintenance costs, reduced chemical costs and better diagnositic ability, among other benefits, for the district.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has been advised that Memco/Siemans is the sole provider of the products and technology needed to perform the above-described conversion and retrofit at the Woodrat WTP.
    WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the BCPUD further finds that it is in the best interests of the district to convert the existing 6M10 filter units and retrofit the existing control panels with new Memcor/Siemans products rather than replace the existing water treatment microfiltration filters and associated technology with a new and/or different process and/or equipment.
    WHEREAS, the BCPUD has received a proposal from Memcor/Siemans to convert all four existing 6M10 filter untils and retrofit the associated control panels for a cost of $113,000.
    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the General Manager of the BCPUD is authorized to enter into an appropriate agreement with Memcor/Siemans to provide for the conversion of the four existing 6M10 filter units and retrofit of the associated control panels at a cost not to exceed $113,000, plus any necessary contingencies.

    IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that this resolution was duly introduced and adopted by the Board of  Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District this 28th  day of February, 2007, by the following vote:

AYES:   Amoroso, Kimball, Siedman, Smith

NOES:   None


ABSENT:  McClellan


                       Jack Siedman                       
                    President, Board of Directors


___Jennifer Blackman___________