Bolinas Community Public Utility District

Resolution No. 555

Awards Contract for the Design and Installation of Photovoltaic Generation Systems at the Woodrat Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Treatment Facility to SPG Solar, Inc.

    BE IT RESOLVED  by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District

as follows:

    1. The Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District
(“BCPUD”) hereby finds that the design and installation of photovoltaic generation systems at the BCPUD’s Woodrat Water Treatment Plant (400 Mesa Road) and its Wastewater Treatment
Facility (100 Mesa Road) (“the Project”) is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), based on CEQA Guidelines, Section 15303e.  This exemption applies to “Accessory Structures.”

2.  BCPUD hereby finds that, after a competitive bid process,  the lowest responsible Qualified Bidder for the design and installation of the Project is SPG Solar, Inc.

    3. Based on the recommendation of its Project Manager, the Board of Directors
of the BCPUD hereby awards the contract for the Project in the amount of $721,268.00, conditioned on receipt of all requisite bonds, certificates and agreements.

4. The Board of Directors of the BCPUD hereby authorizes the BCPUD President of the Board and/or the General Manager to (a) make minor technical amendments to the Contract Documents that do not affect the amount of the Contract; (b) to execute all Contract Documents; (c) pursuant to the satisfactory provision by SPG Solar, Inc. of all requisite bonds, certificates and agreements, to issue a Notice to Proceed; provided, however, that no Notice to Proceed shall be issued unless and until: (1) the BCPUD receives the required coastal permit from the County of Marin to proceed with the Project and (ii) the BCPUD receives the funds from the sale of its allocation f Clean Renewable Energy Bonds; (d) to take all other actions necessary to apply for any permits that are required for the Project; and (e) to take all other action necessary to apply for the rebate through the California Solar Initiative Program and the allocation of the Clean Renewable Energy Bonds.
     IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that this resolution was duly introduced and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District this 19th day of  December, 2007, by the following vote:

AYES:    Amoroso, Kimball, McClellan, Siedman, Smith

NOES:  None


ABSENT:   None                                      

  __                      Jack Siedman___               ___
                         President, Board of Directors

_______Jennifer Blackman___