Bolinas Community Public Utility District

Resolution No. 559

Opposing the California Department of Food and Agriculture Program to Eradicate the Light Brown Apple Moth

WHEREAS, the Light Brown Apple Moth (“LBAM”) is a pest subject to Federal and State quarantine and eradication orders; and

WHEREAS, there is a confirmed presence of Light Brown Apple Moths in Marin County; and

WHEREAS, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (“CDFA”) plans to begin an LBAM program in Marin County and surrounding areas in the Spring of 2008; and

WHEREAS, modern Integrated Pest Management (“IPM”) relies on the least-toxic, environmentally sensitive control methods; and

WHEREAS, aerial and other blanket pesticide applications have been shown in the past to upset the natural ecosystem in unpredictable ways; and

WHEREAS, the proposed materials to be used in the LBAM spraying program have not been tested for toxic health effects when used in areas of concentrated populations; and

WHEREAS,  the proposed materials to be used in the LBAM spraying program pose an environmental hazard when applied to surface waterways and therefore are not permitted for use near waterways; and

WHEREAS, the Bolinas Community Public Utility District (“BCPUD”) provides, among other things, water service to the residents in its district from a pristine surface waterway (the Arroyo Hondo Creek) in western Marin County;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the BCPUD opposes the CDFA program to eradicate LBAM and supports a moratorium on this program until complete, independent studies of the potential health effects of all substances, both active and inert, have been completed and requests that CDFA protect the health and welfare of the residents and natural environment of Marin County, including but not limited to its waterways, by immediately shifting its LBAM control methods to least-toxic Integrated Pest Management methods.

PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors on
this 19th day of  March, 2008.

AYES:   Amoroso, Kimball, Siedman, Smith

NOES:   None


ABSENT:  McClellan

          __________Jack Siedman__________
                    President, Board of Directors

Jennifer Blackman

As amended by the Board of Directors at its regularly scheduled meeting on July 16, 2008.