Bolinas Community Public Utility District

Resolution No. 561

Approving the Selection of Dan Hom to Serve as the Special Districts’ Representative to the Marin County Treasury Oversight Committee

        WHEREAS,  the Bolinas Community Public Utility District (“BCPUD”) is a special district located within the County of Marin;

        WHEREAS, the BCPUD receives certain financial services from the Marin County Auditor-Controller’s office;

        WHEREAS, the Marin County Treasurer-Tax Collector/Public Administrator has requested the support of the BCPUD Board of Directors for the selection of Dan Hom, Finance Director with the Novato Fire Protection District, to serve on the Marin County Treasury Oversight Committee;

        WHEREAS, the Oversight Committee’s role is to review and monitor the County Treasurer’s Annual Statement of Investment Policy and to cause an annual audit of the County Treasurer’s investments to policy;

        WHEREAS, Don Hom has been highly recommended to serve on the Oversight Committee as the Special Districts’ Representative by the Special Districts’ Manager in the Auditor-Controller’s Office and the Assistant County Treasurer; and

        WHEREAS, a majority of the presiding officers of the county’s special districts must approve the Special District Representative. 

        NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the BCPUD approves the selection of Don Hom to serve as the Special Districts’ representative to the Marin County Treasury Oversight Committee and hereby directs presiding officer Jack Siedman to take all action necessary to convey the BCPUD’s approval to the Marin County Treasurer-Tax Collector/Public Administrator. 

        PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors on
this 16th day of April, 2008.

AYES:     Amoroso, Kimball, Siedman, Smith     

NOES:         None


ABSENT:     McClellan

                        ______________Jack Siedman_______
                            President, Board of Directors
Jennifer Blackman