Bolinas Community Public Utility District

Resolution No. 562

Amending Resolution No. 548 and Approving the Award of a Sole-Source Contract for the Installation of the BCPUD Bike Path to Brent Harris Construction.

    WHEREAS, on May 16, 2007,  the Bolinas Community Public Utility District (“BCPUD”) Board od Directors approved resolution No. 548 and awarded a sole-source contract for the installation of the BCPUD bike path to Jim Jacobson. 
    WHEREAS, in approving Resolution 548 the BCPUD Board found, among other things, that it was appropriate and in the best interests of the district to award this sole-source contract to Jim Jacobsen to install the BCPUD pathway due to his unique qualifications and experience in installing similar pathways.
    WHEREAS, in approving Resolution 548 the BCPUD Board specified that the contract amount was not to exceed $45,000, which was the total amount of grant funds awarded to the BCPUD for the installation of the pathway.
WHEREAS, Jim Jacobson presently is employed by Brent Harris Construction of Lagunitis, California, License No. 603509, and proposes to perform the work necessary to fulfill the terms of the installation contract as an employee of Brent Harris Construction.
WHEREAS, the BCPUD anticipates being granted an additional $19,000 in grant funds to install the pathway, bringing the total grant funds to be awarded to the BCPUD for this project to $64,000.
    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the BCPUD Board of Directors that in light of the fact that Jim Jacobsen currently works for Brent Harris Construction but nonetheless will remain principally responsible for the installation of the BCPUD pathway, it is appropriate and in the best interests of the district to award the sole-source contract to install the BCPUD pathway as more specifically described in the Contract attached to this resolution as Exhhibit A (and as may be required by the terms of any permits or inspections issued by the County of Marin) to Brent Harris Construction.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the BCPUD Board of Directors that in light of the additional funding received by the district to install the pathway, the contract amount shall be increased to an amount not to exceed $64,000.
    IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that this resolution was duly introduced and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District on this 21st day of May 2008 by the following vote:

AYES:     Amoroso, Kimball, McClellan, Siedman, Smith

NOES:      None


ABSENT:     None

                        _____Jack Siedman________
                            President, Board of Directors

_______Jennifer Blackman___