Bolinas Community Public Utility District

Resolution No. 567

Cites Board of Directors' Choices for Determining Fiscal Year 2008-09 Appropriations Limits

    BE IT RESOLVED  by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility

District as follows:

1.    Per Article 13 B of the California Constitution, The Board of Directors hereby selects the change in California per capita personal income as the cost of living factor to be used in determining 2008-09 appropriations limits.

2.      Per Article 13 B of the California Constitution, The Board of Directors hereby selects the change in population within the District's jurisdiction as the population factor to be used in determining 2008-09 appropriations limits.
    PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community

Public Utilty District this 20th day of August, 2008, by the following vote:

AYES:    Amoroso, Kimball, McClellan, Siedman, Smith

NOES:  None


ABSENT:   None                                           

  ___Jack Siedman________
                            President, Board of Directors

_______Jennifer Blackman___