Resolution No. 594

Awarding a Contract for the Horseshoe Road Water Main Extension Project to Team Ghilotti, Subject to Certain Conditions.

    BE IT RESOLVED  by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District

(“BCPUD”) as follows:

1. The Board of Directors hereby finds that the extension of the Horseshoe Hill Road water main (“the Project”) is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), based on CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301(b), Class 1 (Existing Facilities).  The Notice of Exemption previously filed for this Project is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

2.  The BCPUD initiated a competitive bid process for proposals to install the Project and four proposals were timely submitted by the due date of 12:00 p.m. on October 12, 2010.  BCPUD hereby finds that the lowest responsible Qualified Bidder for installation of the Project is Team Ghilotti. 

3. The Contract Documents for the Project are attached to this resolution as Exhibit B and are hereby approved as to form.

4. The Board of Directors hereby awards a contract for installation of the Project in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B to Team Ghilotti in the amount of $133,063.00, conditioned upon:

(a) the BCPUD’s timely receipt of all requisite bonds, certificates and agreements;

(b) the execution of an updated agreement between the BCPUD and the property owners of 150 and 190 Horseshoe Hill Road memorializing the financing of the Project; and

(c) the BCPUD’s receipt of a cashier’s check in the amount of $90,505 from the property owner of 150 Horseshoe Hill Road pursuant to the terms and conditions of the updated agreement referenced in the foregoing subsection.

5. The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the BCPUD President of the Board and/or the General Manager to:

 (a) make minor technical amendments to the Contract Documents that do not affect the amount of the Contract;

(b) execute all Contract Documents;

(c) issue a Notice to Proceed; and

(d) to take all other actions necessary to implement the Project under the terms of the Contract Documents attached hereto as Exhibit B. 

     IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that this resolution was duly introduced and adopted by the Board

of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District this 17th day of November, 2010, by the

following vote:

AYES:   Amoroso, Bender, Kimball, Siedman, Smith

NOES:   None


ABSENT:   None

                    Jack Siedman              
                    President, Board of Directors


Jennifer Blackman