Resolution No. 595

Establishing Procedure for Discretionary Relief from Payment of Annual Service Charges for Tax-Exempt Organizations.

WHEREAS, all customers of the Bolinas Communty Public Utility District (“BCPUD”) annually pay service charges duly and properly established by the BCPUD Board of Directors for water and/or sewer utility service at their property.

WHEREAS, the afore-mentioned annual charges generally are collected on behalf of the BCPUD by the County of Marin Accessors Office via the bi-annual property tax bill sent to all taxable property owners in the County; the County then remits the annual charges collected to the BCPUD in exchange for a fee of $2.00 per parcel.

WHEREAS, certain customers of the district are tax-exempt and therefore do not receive a property tax bill from the County of Marin; as such, the BCPUD individually bills these customers for their annual water and/or sewer service charge.

WHEREAS, on occasion the BCPUD inadvertently has failed to timely bill a tax-exempt property for its annual water and/or sewer charge and has subsequently billed said tax-exempt property for two or more years of accrued annual service charges, resulting in an undue financial burden for said tax-exempt property.

WHEREAS, the BCPUD Board of Directors desires to establish a procedure whereby it may grant relief to tax-exempt entities from a portion of accrued annual water and/or sewer charges in circumstances where the charges have accrued due to the district’s failure to timely bill said charges.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the BCPUD that the Board may grant financial relief to a customer who is a tax-exempt entity and separately billed for its annual water and/or sewer charges by the BCPUD in circumstances where the BCPUD has failed to timely bill the customer for more than one year and the customer requests financial relief in writing, provided, however, that the amount to be forgiven may not exceed one-half of the accrued charges.  Under no circumstances will the BCPUD Board forgive current annual charges for water and/or sewer service for any district customer.

IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that this resolution was duly introduced and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District at a regular meeting held this 16th day of March 2011, by the following vote:

AYES:   Bender, Kimball, Siedman, Smith

NOES:   Amoroso


ABSENT:   None

                    Jack Siedman              
                    President, Board of Directors


Jennifer Blackman