Resolution No. 550

Replaces Resolution No. 534, stating the current rates and charges for District services and authorizing placement of charges on the Marin County Property Tax bill where appropriate.

    BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District that the following rates and charges shall become effective with passage and adoption of this resolution and shall be authorized, where appropriate, for placement on the Marin County property tax bill for all affected residents, pursuant to Division 7, Section 16467, of the Public Utilities Code:

            1.  WATER:

                    A.  Annual Base Water Charges:

                            i.  3/4" and 1" meters:          $692.00 per year
                            ii.  meters larger than 1":     $1038.00 per year
                    B.  Quarterly Metered Water Delivery Charges:

                            i.   100 – 1500 c.f.:    $1.00 per 100 c.f.
                            ii.  1600 – 2100 c.f.    $1.50 per 100 c.f.
                            iii.  2200 – 2800 c.f.    $2.50 per 100 c.f.
                            iv.  2900 – 4000 c.f.    $4.00 per 100 c.f.
                            v.   4100 – 7500 c.f.    $6.00 per 100 c.f.
                            vi.  Over 7600 c.f.    $12.00 per 100 c.f.

            2.  SEWER:

                    A.  Sewer Service Charges:

                            i.  residential:       $675 per year
                            ii.  commercial:    $675 to $1035 per year

                    B.  Septage Dumping Charges:

                            i.  residential:       $60.00 per 1000 gals
                            ii.  commercial:    $60.00 per 1000 gals
                    C.  Sewer Connection Charges:

                        See Exhibit A to this resolution

                    D.  Permit Fees:       
                            i.  residential:       included in service charge
                            ii.  commercial:     included in service charge
                            iii.  septage:           $5.00 per 1000 gals

            3.  SEPTIC/DRAINAGE

                    A.      Assessment for Septic/Drainage Projects - $140 per each Bolinas Mesa household within the Regional Water Quality Control Board's Clean-up and Abatement Area.

IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that this resolution was duly introduced and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bolinas Community Public Utility District this 18th day of July, 2007, by the following vote:

AYES:   Amoroso, Kimball, Siedman, Smith

NOES:   None


ABSENT:  McClellan


                        Jack Siedman                              
                    President, Board of Directors


Jennifer Blackman