1. Call to Order
8:02 p.m.
2. Roll
Directors Amoroso, Bertsch, McClellan, Siedman present. Director Kayfetz absent. Director McClellan presiding.
3. Manager’s Report
Based on a conversation with Don Neubacher, Superintendent of the Point Reyes National Seashore, Manager Buchanan reported that County of Marin staff will not make the granting of a wider easement to the District’s Pine Gulch Creek property a condition of Michael Moritz’ Coastal Permit. In addition, the funds already set aside by the National Park Service for the purchase of the property will be reassigned if there is no definite sign that the sale is going forward. Proceeding with an appraisal by the NPS without resolving the question of the easement does not seem helpful at this point. Buchanan informed Neubacher that the Board of the BCPUD does not appear to feel the sale is particularly urgent. Two suggestions for approaching Moritz have been made: to ask him how much money he wants for the widened easement, and to write and explain the civic benefits such an income would bring the community in terms of water system improvements. Director Amoroso said he favored the former idea but not the latter. He also suggested contacting Norman Orr regarding an appraisal as is.
Replacement of 6,000 feet of 1.5 and 2-inch diameter lines and installation of new line in a couple of blank sections are part of the ongoing distribution system improvement plans. An estimate based on an optimistic $35 per foot would bring the cost to between around $250, 000. It might be possible to refinance the Community Facilities loan and borrow some more on the loan. Staff will put a bid package together. Replacement of the lines on Walnut, and Iris between Elm and Ocean Parkway, is in the budget for the coming year.
The treework on the lower section of the service road on the sewer property has been completed.
Directors expressed no interest in purchasing water conservation inserts to be sent out with the bills.
Repair of the seawall and groin on Brighton Beach requires different contractors for different aspects and will require a Coastal Permit. Staff will contact Jefco to come and look at the wall. Director Amoroso suggested inspecting the gate on Brighton at the same time.
Manager Buchanan will be on vacation from April 18 to 28, 2003.
4. Community Expression
Debbie Morrison, acting as trustee for an elderly resident, brought to the attention of the Board extensive unpermitted building by a neighbor, which has resulted in lowering the value of the property of her client, and is not appropriate for such a fragile cliff area. Since the building has been red-tagged, the matter will ultimately come before the Board as an application for an Expanded Water Use Permit.
5. Road Survey Project: update; revised proposal
Andy Blake reported that he had had a productive meeting with Don Hobbs, head of Marin County Surveying Department. The proposal for almost $50,000 to provide a recorded survey of roads on the Gridded Mesa was whittled down to $28,000, to be financed over five years. For that amount the District would get an additional ten monuments on the Mesa and a new map with the new points, officially recorded. It might be possible to get a map now with all the currently available information assembled for $3,000. Director McClellan stressed the importance of a readily accessible objective reality. However, since no written proposal had been submitted the item was continued.
6. Resolution 486, Requesting November 4, 2003 Election Services
--Siedman/Amoroso four ayes, Kayfetz absent to adopt Resolution 486.
7. Local Agency Formation Commission: election of special district regular and alternate members
-- Siedman/Bertsch four ayes, Kayfetz absent to vote for Dennis Rodoni as regular and George Quesada as alternate members of LAFCO.
8. Adoption of Official BCPUD Claim Form per Government Code §910.4
-- Bertsch/Siedman four ayes, Kayfetz absent to adopt the Official BCPUD Claim Form
9. Resolution 487, Amending Resolution 354
-- Amoroso/Siedman four ayes, Kayfetz absent to adopt Resolution 487
10. Other Business
a. Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy: None.
-- Finance: committee report on 2003-04 budget process
The highlight of the budget committee’s frank and productive meeting was that despite an overall 2.9% increase in the budget, rates would not have to be increased, in part due to the garbage contract franchise fee income.
-- Legal: None.
-- Mesa Septic, Roads and Drainage:
Director Siedman reported that he had attended the April meeting of the Septic Advisory Committee where, somewhat surprisingly, the comments failed to mention the emphasis on performance-based standards. Richard Dinges from Stinson Beach Water District had made a presentation, which revealed that, although Stinson supports a limited number of system types, there is flexibility in evaluating and repairing. The LAFCO representative had stated that LAFCO did not favor setting up independent oversight districts, rather recommended a Joint Powers Agreement with a Marin County Septic District. The next question is financing.
-- Operations: None.
-- Park and Recreation:
A letter from Kevin Hicks, Fire Chief of the Bolinas Fire Protection District, proposing a lot line adjustment between Mesa Park and the Firehouse, to allow more room for the Health Clinic, will have to be discussed by Mesa Park Board before coming before BCPUD, the property owners.
Director Amoroso stated that he had called Ed Francisco, the engineer working on Mesa Park’s water treatment/irrigation proposal, to verify whether the water could be used on the fields in the winter. Apparently, the water, although treated to bring it to drinking water standards can not be classified as drinking water, and can not be sprayed on standing water. It would have to be held in storage tanks until rain stopped. Amoroso said that meant that the treatment facility’s capacity would not then be increased, leading to the conclusion that it could not accept sewage from the Fire Department/Mesa Park/Health Clinic. Staff noted that the Wastewater Discharge Permit is separate from the project to reclaim water. Director Siedman asked Amoroso to communicate with Mesa Park’s engineer through Mesa Park, noting that the above conversation had caused some difficulties. Amoroso stated that if the engineer contacted the BPUD then he would feel free to contact the engineer. Staff pointed out that even though the last five years have been below average rainfall, the ponds are already at capacity and permission for emergency spraying will have to be sought, as it has twice in the last five years. Amoroso said he thought the official spray season began on April 15.
-- Personnel:
The scheduled personnel committee meeting with employees has been rescheduled.
-- Sewer: Resource Recovery Project; Community Paths Group
Director McClellan reported that some progress had been made in developing a path proposal but the big obstacle is the news that a setback of 150 ft. from the perimeter of the spray area is required. Although the strength of such a restriction has not yet been verified, it leads to the issue of allowing the public to use a facility where public access is restricted. Director Siedman suggested that additional sprayheads might be shut down if Mesa Park is diverting some of the spray with its irrigation project.
The Board received the Resource Recovery Project minutes and financial report.
-- Solid Waste: 2003-2013 franchise agreement – status report
There has been an error in Waste Management’s first billing of the new contract. It will be corrected in the subsequent billing cycle.
b. Minutes of March 19, 2003 Meeting
-- Bertsch/Amoroso four ayes to approve minutes of March 19, 2003 meeting.
c. Warrants
-- Bertsch/Amoroso four ayes to approve warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
May 21, 2003
11. Adjournment
9:55 p.m.