1. Call to Order
8:00 p.m.
2. Roll
Directors Amoroso, Bertsch, McClellan, Siedman present. Director Kayfetz
Director Amoroso presiding.
3. Manager’s Report
Directors received a letter and material from a Pacific Bell representative proposing installing a remote terminal junction on District land, preferably somewhere along Olema-Bolinas Road, which would be convenient for their main line terminal on Wharf Road. They are seeking a permanent easement in return for a one-time lump sum payment. The box would measure 4’ x 3’ x 8’ long and could be relatively inconspicuously located, without removal of any significant trees. Directors appeared willing to entertain the idea.
Waste Management requested, and was granted, postponement of its rate adjustment hearing to the January meeting.
A potential replacement for Rosalie Lang, the District’s departing bookkeeper, has submitted a resume.
A copy of a letter dated August 31, 2000, from Bruce McCarthy of Environmental Health Services, inviting a representative from BCPUD to participate in the then-forming SepTAC, was received by the Board.
Directors had no objections to the purchase of the irrigation pump recommended by Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator Kate Currey to replace the one that has failed due to gravel obstructing the impeller.
In reviewing the draft of the winter issue of the newsletter, Director Amoroso expressed some concern about the handling of a new feature asking BCPUD customers their opinion, in this instance, on the future of a piece of surplus district property. Directors Siedman and Bertsch favored the idea. Directors were asked to submit any comments or revisions by the following Tuesday.
Possible grant sources for energy reduction programs are being investigated. Although difficult to analyze accurately, energy costs are increasing.
Solid waste consultant Paul Rottenberg has reported that Norcal Waste Systems is not interested in undertaking the Bolinas solid waste collection franchise and he is investigating some collection and transfer options, as well as approaching other potential franchisors. He would be willing to put a system in place and make sure it was fully operational in twelve to eighteen months, at which point the District could take over handling it, for a flat fee of $2,000 per month. He will make a presentation to the Board at the January meeting. Details, such as whether to start with a direct haul modality before constructing a transfer station, can be worked out at a workshop meeting in February.
Director Amoroso passed on some mail to Manager Buchanan.
4. Community Expression
Director Amoroso brought up the subject of the Vegetation Management Committee, and the desire for two Special Meetings, rather than the single one planned. Director Siedman suggested setting an additional meeting if it seemed necessary at the initial one.
5. Ad Hoc Park Advisory Committee Report
Rudi Ferris reported that the committee has met the November 30, 2000 deadline set by the National Park Service for scoping comments on the future of Rancho Baulines (Wilkins Ranch), and the committee expects to meet with the Park again in the near future. Director Bertsch, without having objections to the content of the committees comment/proposal, indicated that she would like to know beforehand what is being said by the committees under the aegis of the BCPUD. It was agreed that any future public statements would be faxed or emailed to all directors for comment. Director Amoroso suggested sending a letter from BCPUD to back up the committee’s contention that it is inappropriate to separate Rancho Baulines out from the Park’s General Management Plan. Treating it separately accelerates the process for considering its future and fails to assure the limited public access promised by Superintendent Don Neubacher, in future years. In response to Director Siedman’s question, Cela O’Connor noted that a second proposal from the current tenant of the ranch, Mary Tiscornia, has been submitted to Neubacher but the committee is uncertain how to ascertain the Park’s response. O’Connor was directed to ask for the Park’s response to the proposal at her meeting on the following day with Neubacher. In addition she was directed to find out if the park intends to re-include the ranch in the 1980 General Management Plan Update, as requested, and to ask that the agreement with the present leaseholder be extended until the vision of the Olema Valley as a whole is clarified in the GMP. Siedman stated that he wants an unequivocal confirmation of the public process for consideration of proposals.
-- Siedman/Bertsch four ayes, Kayfetz absent to direct staff to write a letter to the National Park Service, reinforcing the position of the committee and outlining the above points.
O’Connor asked if BCPUD would consider joining with an individual in a lawsuit against the Park over its lack of public process. Director Amoroso responded favorably, with the condition that it not draw on BCPUD funds.
6. Expanded Water Use Permit Application: Lyon
project location: 115 Oak
The applicant is building a garage. No additional plumbing fixtures are involved in the permit application.
-- Siedman/McClellan four ayes, Kayfetz absent to approve an unconditional Expanded Water Use Permit
7. Coastal Permit Application 01-19 and Master Plan
01-5: Tacherra
project location: 160 Mesa Road
Director Amoroso noted that the application contains two separate parts: one to legalize the trailer park at the ranch and bring it up to code and permit requirements, and the other to subdivide a 20-acre parcel, drill a well, and sell the subdivided parcels to raise the funds to accomplish the first project. The exact number of trailers proposed will not be decided until the septic capacity is clarified. The proposal suggests 5 – 10 mobile units and 2 principal residences. There used to be two water connections serving the property but one was sold with the property located between the ranch and Mesa Park. Since 1994 the water usage history on both meters indicates about 1,280 gallons per day. Although the Bolinas Community Land Trust has indicated that it is interested in deploying one or more of its two water services at the ranch to augment the affordable housing stock, Director Amoroso noted that BCPUD is obliged to comment that the amount of water availability for the site is not assured at this time. Director Siedman asked why there would be an issue if the total usage does not change. Amoroso responded that usage would increase when the second meter goes into service. Cela O’Connor asked about zoning. The land to be subdivided is CARP 10. The pasture property sold with the second meter would have to sit for 10 years before any kind of development if it falls under the Williamson Act. Siedman noted that a BCPUD comment letter signed by Director Kayfetz should also have been circulated to other directors before being sent to the Marin County Community Development Agency.
8. Resolution 454, awarding contract
for installation of cathodic protection on Mesa Road
water storage tank (east)
-- Siedman/McClellan four ayes, Kayfetz absent to approve Resolution 454.
9. Resolution 455, accepting completion of water storage tank (west) repair project
-- McClellan/Siedman four ayes, Kayfetz absent to approve Resolution 455.
10. Resolution 456, rescinding and replacing Resolutions 238,
248, 258, 439 and 440,
concerning water meter suspension
and abandonment procedures
11. 2000-01 District/Employees Memorandum of Understanding: revision to section 9, stating hours, wages and benefits for administrative assistant position
-- Siedman/Bertsch four ayes, Kayfetz absent to approve the revised 2000-01 District/Employees Memorandum of Understanding.
12. Other Business
a. Committee Reports
-- Downtown Parking:
Director Amoroso noted that the work of the committee would continue beyond February.
-- Housing:
Director Bertsch reported that the next meeting of the Housing Committee would be just prior to the next Board of Directors’ meeting in January. Until now the committee has been gathering information.
-- Legal:
The mediation did not bring any resolution to Martinelli vs. Johnson. District Counsel Hadden Roth is working on potential insurance coverage from past carriers.
-- Park and Recreation: Notice of Pending Appointment to Mesa Park Board
Janie Okamura Sanders has come forward to fill the vacancy for the Bolinas School representative on the Mesa Park Board and if George Gonzalez doesn’t choose to continue as BCPUD representative, Mark Fraser has indicated that he might run.
The Title 22 report due from Bailey Green has not materialized yet.
-- Solid Waste: Resource Recovery Project: November financial report; operations report
No operations report was available. The financial report was received by the Board.
b. Minutes of November 15, 2000 Meeting
-- Siedman/Bertsch three ayes, McClellan abstained, Kayfetz absent to approve the minutes of the November 1, 2000 meeting.
-- Siedman/Bertsch three ayes, McClellan abstained, Kayfetz absent to approve the minutes of the November 15, 2000 meeting.
c. Warrants
-- Siedman/Bertsch four ayes, Kayfetz absent to approve the warrants.
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
January 17, 2001
13. Adjournment
9:55 p.m.