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- 40 An Ordinance of The Bolinas Community Public Utility District Repealing and Replacing Ordinance Numbers 2, 23, and 24 Related To Solid Waste Collection
- 39 Amends Ordinance 29
- 38 To rescind Resolution No. 152 and adopt new rules and regulations regarding transfers of water meters
- 37 Amends Ordinance 30
- 36 Amends Ordinance 30
- 35 Amends Ordinance 30
- 34 Amends Ordinance 30
- 33 Amends Ordinance 30
- 32 Defines conflict of duty and establishes Board of Directors guidelines where such conflicts may exist
- 31 Adopts guidelines governing composting toilet recycling systems
- 30 Establishes rules and procedures for use of the gridded public right of way network on the mesa
- 29 Providing a comprehensive system of wastewater regulation and revenue to support construction and operation of the wastewater disposal system (Amended).
- 28 Establishing regulations for a backflow prevention and cross connection control program within the municipal water distribution system