Bolinas Community Plan

The Bolinas Community Plan was prepared pursuant to the requirements of the California Coastal Act and the Marin County Local Coastal Program.  The Bolinas Planning Group, consisting of community residents, completed work on the Plan in 1975.  It was adopted by the Marin County Board of Supervisors December 9, 1975, and subsequently amended in 1983 and 1997.  A copy of the plan can be downloaded here  Bolinas Community Plan , or may be obtained from Marin County Community Development Agency at 499-6269.

An amendment to the plan, The Bolinas Gridded Mesa Plan, was completed in 1984, and subsequently approved by the Marin County Planning Commission September 24, 1984, the Marin County Board of Supervisors November 27, 1984, and the California Coastal Commission March 27, 1985.   Copies may be obtained from Marin County Community Development Agency.  499-6269.

Uses of Bolinas Community Public Utility District Property


270 Elm Road: the BCPUD office is located in its building at 270 Elm Road, Bolinas on the Big Mesa. The BCPUD rents a small section on the west side of the building to the Bolinas Hearsay News, the town’s local newspaper which is run by volunteer community members and distributed in Bolinas on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

100 Mesa Road: the BCPUD owns a 12-acre parcel of land at 100 Mesa Road that surrounds the Firehouse and Clinic complex (which is not owned by the BCPUD). When Mesa Park was created via the execution of a Joint Powers Agreement between the BCPUD and the Bolinas-Stinson Union School District in 1985, the BCPUD agreed to allow this parcel of land to be used for community recreational purposes and managed by Mesa Park. This parcel has been improved to date with sports fields, a playground, a skatepark and an event parking lot.


Over the past 40 years, the BCPUD from time to time has leased portions outside of the operational area of what is known as “the Sewer Pond Property” to community members interested in conducting agricultural and/or animal husbandry activities. These activities have been permitted if they are found to be beneficial to the community and consistent with the Bolinas Community Plan. Such activities help reduce the cost of vegetation management and deter misuse of BCPUD property (i.e., illegal camping), among other things, for the BCPUD and its customers. Currently, there are two leases at this property.

In 2008, the BCPUD issued a lease to a group of 4 individuals (Alethea Patton, Eat Dog, Lee Dodd and Melissa Wood) to conduct animal husbandry (goats and bees) and agricultural activities on approximately 3 acres of land. The leased land is outside the operational area of the BCPUD’s sewer ponds and is located directly downhill from the lab building, adjacent to the bike path. A copy of this lease is available here.

In 2011, the BCPUD issued a lease to Don and Mickey Murch of Gospel Flat Farms for agricultural activities on approximately 4 acres. The leased land is outside of the operational area of the BCPUD’s sewer ponds and includes one area in front of the Resource Recovery Center on Olema-Bolinas Road, and 2 areas uphill from the Resource Recovery Center, towards the former Sun Festival Site. In 2013, the BCPUD Board appointed a Sewer Ponds Land Committee to address some of the public’s concerns regarding this lease and overall land stewardship matters. The Committee recommended revisions to the lease issued to Don and Mickey Murch and these revisions were submitted to the BCPUD Board at its regular monthly meeting on February 19, 2014. A copy of the draft revised lease is available here.