Sanitary Sewer System


Bolinas Community Public Utility District (BCPUD) is the successor agency to Marin County Sanitary District #3, organized in 1908.   The existing collection system, serving 141 residential, 20 commercial and 2 institutional properties, primarily in the historic downtown village of Bolinas, was originally constructed in two phases, just prior to and immediately after World War I.   In 1975, responding to an order from the State of California to cease and desist disposing of the system’s effluent in the channel of Bolinas Lagoon, BCPUD constructed a pump station, a force main and a treatment facility.   The facility is an integrated pond system which uses no chemicals in the treatment process, relying instead on a biological process of methane fermentation, with aeration and recirculation for odor control.   Following primary and secondary treatment, the effluent is spray irrigated onto a 90 acre parcel of land adjacent to Mesa Road.

In 1990, BCPUD completed an infiltration/inflow correction project to eliminate unwanted stormwater runoff and seawater intrusion.  While the project reduced infiltration/inflow by 70%, the District still experiences capacity problems in years of above average rainfall and, accordingly, has continued the moratorium on new service connections enacted in 1985 as a requirement for Clean Water Grant Program funding.

The regulations governing the sanitary sewer system are embodied in  Ordinance 29.

Sewer Rates:
For our customers that are on the sewer system, the 2024-2025 annual charge is $1,866.00 for residential service and $1,872.00 to $2,398.00 for commercial service. As with water, sewer charges are included on the Marin County Property tax bill.

Sewer System Management Plan:
On May 2, 2006 the State Water Resources Control Board adopted statewide Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ which requires all public wastewater collection system agencies in California with greater than one mile of collection pipes to be regulated and monitored in accordance with the terms of the Order.  The Order mandates, among other things, that all subject agencies develop a Sewer System Management Plan.  To see a copy of the related resolution (#560) passed by the Board, please visit the resolution page on our website.