Water Supply Update

The Bolinas rain totals are climbing as the first real rains in many months occurred over the last few weeks.  Bolinas has received 13.9 inches of rain since July 1, 2013 as measured at 270 Elm Road (at the Woodrat Water Treatment Plant at 400 Mesa Road, we’ve received 19.9 inches).   Very importantly, the recent rainfall we received in February and March has filled our emergency stored water supply (Woodrat reservoirs 1 and 2), which were alarmingly low as recently as the end of January.

So, that is certainly good news.  However, given that our average annual rainfall per year is over 30 inches, we remain well-below normal.   You, our customers, continue to impress us with your impressive conservation efforts.  As previously reported, our community has exceeded the request we issued on January 17th for a 25% reduction in consumption and your efforts continue to be very important.  BCPUD staff will be making regular reports to the Board of Directors at the monthly public meetings about the status of our water supply and projections for upcoming months.   For now, our Heightened Voluntary Conservation Alert remains in effect.  We will keep you apprised via updates in the Hearsay News and on our website:  www.bcpud.org.

Please keep up your efforts and continue to do whatever you can to conserve water.

Thanks to everyone!

Jennifer Blackman
General Manager

Thank You Again!

Your conservation efforts in response to our January 17th heightened voluntary conservation alert continue to be amazing and continue to exceed our expectations with consumption down by more than 30%.  Please keep up the good work!

As everyone knows, while the rains last week were very welcome, the state remains in a serious drought and we must continue to conserve.  For those of you keeping track, Bolinas received between 6 – 8 inches of rain on the Big Mesa during last weekend’s rains.  As a result, our Woodrat #1 reservoir is now full and our Woodrat #2 reservoir has been substantially replenished (but is not yet full).  That said, at this point we simply don’t know whether we will receive any more significant rains this season – so please continue to do whatever you can to conserve water.

The BCPUD Board will discuss the district’s water supply at its regular monthly meeting next Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.   Please come if you would you like to participate in this important discussion.

Thanks to everyone!

Jennifer Blackman
General Manager