Coastal Communities Working Group
The purpose of the Coastal Communities Working Group is…
• to provide local, community input on hazard and climate adaptation planning initiatives and projects in West Marin, including the Stinson Beach Nature-Based Adaptation Feasibility Study, Tomales Bay Living Shoreline Feasibility Study, Local Coastal Program Hazard Element, and the Stinson Adaptation and Resilience Collaboration Plan. These will include a range of sea level rise adaptation options for the natural and built environment, as well as for protection, accommodation, and possible retreat;
• for members to be liaisons between the County and their respective communities and/or organizations; and
• for members to gain expertise and integrate knowledge from each project to inform its review of future planning processes, projects and programs.
The CCWG is composed of representatives from various community, environmental, and operational organizations with the goal of having representation from the coastal communities that span the West Marin coastline.
CCWG members:
• commit to attending scheduled meetings and to reviewing project documents ahead of time, when necessary
• commit to acting as liaisons between the County and their communities.
• commit to ground rules
A designated staff member of the Marin County Community Development Agency holds the role of Program Facilitator, organizing the group and its activities. The Program Facilitator will
• communicate with members regarding upcoming meeting agendas and materials to review
• facilitate meetings
• send out advisory recommendations and action items following each meeting
• meets when input is needed on a planning initiative or project
• reviews materials in advance of a meeting (When needed, a meeting agenda and materials will be sent out two weeks ahead of a meeting)
The specific process and feedback given depends on the phase and scope of the project(s) being discussed. Each member will review programs or projects as
• representatives of their communities and/or organizations
• in the greater context of climate resiliency and adaptability
All input from the group is advisory. The CCWG may meet with and conduct combined project reviews with its sister group of regulatory agencies and land managers, the West Marin Advisory Group.
CCWG members can help generate public involvement in the projects and plans under its review by:
• gathering and conveying Community members’ knowledge and views to staff;
• engaging their community members and fostering actions to bring them into the process;
• giving short presentations to community groups of which they are a part, including, schools, homeowners associations, and others;
• sending digital information to community groups and posting it on their websites
• communicating their information needs to County staff;
• talking about projects with members of their community;
• posting public meeting fliers in heavily used community spaces; and
• helping to develop creative, meaningful public meetings that respect the needs of the community, respond to the needs of the times, and promote full public involvement. Examples of such events could include engaging webinars, drive-in theater style meetings, and other remote or outdoor events.