BCPUD Board of Directors Meeting Materials – April 17, 2024

BCPUD BOX 390 270 ELM ROAD BOLINAS CALIFORNIA 94924 415 868 1224

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
April 17, 2024 7:30 p.m.

The BCPUD Board of Directors has resumed in-person meetings at its offices (270 Elm Road, Bolinas);
the public is invited to participate in-person or via Zoom:  https://zoom.us/j/4229514446
Meeting ID: 422 951 4446 (no password required);
Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

1. Call to Order.

2. Roll.

3. Community Expression.

4. Manager’s Report and Project Updates.
– Update on the Status of the BCPUD’s Water Supply.
– Update on the BCPUD’s Groundwater Wells Project.
– Operations Update.
o Proposal for Operations & Maintenance Services (Solar Technologies).
o Update on the Smart Water Meter Assessment Project.
– Report on ACWA/JPIA Risk Assessment and Commitment to Excellence program.
– Update on the BCPUD’s Pedestrian/Bicycle Path Project.
– Alliance of Coastal Marin Villages.

ACWA Notification regarding PFAS
EPA Lab test results PFOS
ACWA JPIA Training and Facility Review Follow-up

5. Limited Water Use Permit Application — 1 Brighton Avenue, Bolinas (APN 193-075-13) — Calvary Presbyterian Church.
LWUP Application – 1 Brighton
LWUP Application – Signed by Applicant
Description of Project
Plan Set

6. Xerces Society Western Monarch Count: Thanksgiving 2023 and New Year’s 2023-24 (Bolinas results) – Presentation by Mia Monroe.
Xerces – BPUD Graph

7. Draft FY 2024-25 District Budget and Draft Updated Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan – 2025-2029; Draft Proposition 218 Notice re: Proposed Increases to Annual Water and Sewer Service Charges.
Memo to Board re draft FY 2024-25 budget
Budget 2425 — Option A (6% proposed service charge increases)
Budget 2425 — Option B (10% proposed service charge increases)
Draft CIP Water 2025-2029
Draft CIP Sewer 2025-2029
Draft CIP Building, Office, Vehicles, Other 2025-2029
Prop 218 notice (2024-25) – first draft

8. BCPUD Resolution 722: Proposing An Election Be Held In Its Jurisdiction on November 5, 2024; Requesting The Board Of Supervisors To Consolidate With Any Other Election Conducted On Said Date; And Requesting Election Services By The Marin County Elections Department.
County Of Marin Elections Dept. Documents
Resolution 722

9. Update from the Ad Hoc Committee re: BCPUD Building at 270 Elm Road, Bolinas.

10. Volunteer Committee Reports:
— Resident Permit Parking Plan Committee:
— Resource Recovery:
— Land Stewardship Committee:

11. Other Business.
a. Board Committee Reports:
— Finance: Minutes of the February 26, 2024 Committee meeting; Minutes of the March 25, 2024 Committee meeting; Minutes of the April 1, 2024 Committee meeting.
022624 Finance Committee Minutes
032524 Finance Committee Minutes
040124 Finance Committee Minutes

— Legal:
— Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
— Operations: Minutes of the April 4, 2024 Committee meeting.
— Personnel:

b. Minutes of the February 28, 2024 Regular Board meeting; Minutes of the March 20, 2024 Regular Board meeting
022824 Minutes

c. Warrants.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s).

12. Adjournment.





The BCPUD requests individuals who require special accommodations to access and/or participate in this
meeting to please contact the BCPUD office at (415) 868-1224 at least 24 hours before the meeting.