BCPUD Board of Directors Meeting Materials – August 16, 2023

1. Call to Order.

2. Roll.

3. Community Expression.

4. Manager’s Report and Project Updates.
Water Use Through 073123
Workplan & Timeline RWQCB
CPO Services Agreement
East Tank touch-up inspection report
IT Proposal – Telemetry Telecommunication
MCM Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update – BCPUD Jurisdictional Profile
MCM Local Hazard Mitigation Plan update – BCPUD Hazard Mitigation Action Table
MCM Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update – BCPUD risk assessment
Pedestrian Bicycle Path Engineering & Design Proposal
Marin County OEM meetings
Zero Waste Marin Special District seat
ACWA Outreach PFAs
CalPERS communications
BCPUD letters (Wye Project, BCG)
R. Gailey Comment Letter re Bolinas Wye Project

5. BCPUD Right-of-Way Permit Application: Request to install underground transmission lines of effluent, potable water and electricity in the Cedar Road Right-of-Way at Poplar (164 Poplar Road) AND clarification that Section 7 of Resolution 173 does not prohibit the requested encroachment. (J. Bryant).
Staff memo to the Board
Bryant Request
Bryant construction drawings

6. BCPUD Right-of-Way Permit Application: Request to install underground transmission lines of effluent, potable water and electricity in the Cedar Road Right-of-Way at Elm (169 Elm Road) AND clarification above re: Res. 173. (P. Smith).
Smith construction drawings

7. Potential Projects Relating to Removal or Safety Pruning of Eucalyptus and Other Trees on BCPUD Lands:

a. Eucalyptus and Monterey Cypress Tree Failure Analysis and Risk Assessment – BCPUD Lands at 270 Elm Road, 290 Mesa Road and Eucalyptus Grove (Ray Moritz, Urban Forestry Associates).
Moritz Report – BCPUD Tree Risk Assessment
Moritz Report – Bolinas Eucalyptus Maintenance Spreadsheet
Moritz Report – Tree Map #1
Moritz Report – Tree Map #2
Mortiz Report – Ray Moritz Urban Forestry CV

b. Proposed Removal of 65 – 100 30-inch Diameter Eucalyptus Trees (with Rootballs) from Grove on BCPUD Lands for Use in Connection with a Salmon Habitat Restoration Project (Marin Water).

c. Proposed Removal of the Stand of Eucalyptus Trees in “Zone 5” (Portions of BCPUD Lands and Private Properties on North side of Mesa Road): Request for BCPUD Endorsement of Zone 5 Full Tree Removal on BCPUD Lands (Bolinas Eucalyptus Project).
BEP – Endorsement Request
BEP – B. Anderson arborist report
BEP – Gaman Inventory Report Zone 5
BEP – Julin Report Zone 5
BEP – County Review of Pre-Application
Xerces email
BEP – Comments on Moritz Report & Xerces Biologist email
BEP – Humbolt Bay Trail South Project
Xerces response to D. Ainley comments
Emma Pelton (Xerces) Response to D. Ainley comments
BEP – Polissar letter
BEP – Lyman letter

8. BCPUD Response to the 2022-23 Marin County Civil Grand Jury Report: Build More ADU’s – An Rx for Increasing Marin’s Housing Supply. (Responses Required from the BCPUD to Findings No. 7 and Recommendations No. 4).
Marin County Civil Grand Jury – ADU’s
BCPUD Response to Civil Grand Jury Report re ADUs

9. Amendment to BCPUD Resolution 710: Approving Form of Contract Documents for the Water Tank Site Pipeline Replacement Project and Awarding a Contract for the Project the Lowest Responsible Qualified Bidder, Subject to Certain Conditions, and Finding that the Project is Categorically Exempt Under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), Section 15301(b), Class 1 (repair and maintenance of an existing facility).
Res. 710 amendment

10. BCPUD Resolution 714: Cites Board of Directors’ Choices for Determining Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit.
Resolution 714

11. BCPUD Resolution 715: States District’s Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2023-24.
Resolution 715
Notice of Determination

12. Update from the Ad Hoc Committee re: BCPUD Building at 270 Elm Road, Bolinas.

13. Volunteer Committee Reports:
— Resident Permit Parking Plan Committee:
— Resource Recovery:
— Land Stewardship Committee:

14. Other Business.
a. Board Committee Reports:
— Finance:
— Legal:
— Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
— Water and Sewer Operations:
— Personnel: Administrative Assistant Request to Increase Hours Worked from 36 to 40 per Week.

b. Minutes of: the May 17, 2023 Regular Board meeting; the May 31, 2023 Special Board meeting; the June 21, 2023 Regular Board meeting; the July 19, 2023 Regular Board meeting; the July 27, 2023 Special Board meeting.
Minutes of the May 17, 2023 regular meeting

c. Warrants.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s).

15. Adjournment.